Kaju Katli

Kaju Katli means cashew thin burfi and are very popular in India. These require the minimum ingredients to make and has longer shelf life. For making vegan version just substitute the ghee with vegan butter or coconut oil.
Be sure to use organic whole cashews to achieve the whitish color and the best results as they are the star ingredient!

Ingredients Required :
Cashew - 1 cup (see notes)
Sugar - 1/2 cup
Ghee - 1 tsp
Water - 1/4 cup

How to make:
Have a greased parchment paper  or a silicon mat ready.
Grind the cashews in intervals of 10 second pulse to get a fine powder. Do not grind continuously as they would release oil and become lumps.
Sieve the powder to remove lumps and add the lumps back into the blender for a second grind.
Continue this till all the powder is sieved and there are no lumps.
In a heavy bottom pan, add the water and sugar.
Bring to a boil and allow the sugar to dissolve. 
The syrup should come to a rolling boil, and become sticky (state just before the 1 string consistency)
Add the cashew powder and mix well.
Add the tsp of ghee and continue stirring till the mixture leaves the sides. It would take 1 minute to reach this state.
Pour the mixture to the parchment paper and fold with a spatula
Once cooled down a little, knead the dough and then place another parchment paper on it and start rolling it out to a  desired thickness.
Slice out into diamond or any shape and serve.

Quality of Cashews: As in all recipes quality of the ingredients is the most important. Make sure to use organic whole cashews for the best result.
Temperature of Cashews: The cashews should be ground to a fine powder from room temperature. If you store them in the refrigerator, then set them outside for a while and then dry roast them on medium heated pan till it brings the crispness back and is free from moisture. If the cashews are ground with the moisture, lumps would be formed.
Additional Ingredients: I prefer to use only cashews to get the full flavor of them. You can use a pinch of cardamom or rose water for added flavor.
Consistency: After adding the cashew powder, the mix should come together in a  minute. Do not keep stirring on the pan. The mix would be loose but would harden on cooling.


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