
These are south indian snacks that are made with rice flour and crunchy and goes well with tea or coffee. They are usually made during festive days.
The name thenkuzhal means - then - honey and kuzhal is pipe. Meaning after you fry the thenkuzhal you would see a hole when you break them in the between. It literally means honey can flow through the holes.
Ingredients Required:
Rice flour - 2 cups
Urad Dhal flour - 1/4 cup
Salt - 2 tsp
Cumin Seeds - 2 tsp
Hing - pinch
Butter - 3 tblsp
Oil for deep frying

How to make:
In a large mixing bowl, add the flours, salt, hing, cumin seeds and mix well.
Add in the butter and crumble well.
Slowly add in water and knead to a soft and pliable dough.
Heat oil in a pan on high and then when hot reduce to medium.
Fill the dough in a murukku maker with a thenkuzhal mould. It is usually 3 holes.
Press the thenkuzhal in the hot oil as small circles.
Fry till the oil sizzling stops.
Drain on paper towel and store in air tight container.

Use butter at room temperature.
If you are not comfortable pressing directly in the oil, you can press on the back side of ladles and then gently drop them in the oil.
If you are using good quality flour, the color will remain white.
If you do not have ready made urad flour, just dry roast the urad dhal and make a powder.
